
What are Your Leadership Superpowers?

The ongoing success of comic-based superhero movies is a testament to the deep-seated need we have to hope in someone greater than ourselves.  The superpowers they bring to bear vanquish evil and “make everything all right” again. In a similar way, those you lead are looking to you to apply all the superpowers you have…

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Kill the Rabbit & Take the Red Pill: Thoughts on Mid-Career Transition

This week I will be relinquishing command for the last time in my 24 year Air Force career in preparation for retirement.  It is a bittersweet moment for sure. I’ve enjoyed my time in the Air Force, particularly the five times I’ve been in command.  Make no mistake, it’s not been a walk in the…

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Emotional Intelligence is the Real Deal! What’s Your EQ?

Emotional Intelligence—(EQ)—is for real, and it’s vitally important to your success.   I just completed a certification course in the EQi 2.0 emotional intelligence assessment originally developed by Reuven Bar-On.  Bar-On is one of the early researchers in the EQ arena and I can tell you that the assessment instrument is fantastic.  I am very…

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