
“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers” Leadership Relationships

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he today that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother; – Shakespeare, from Henry V The bond that warriors form in combat has been immortalized by many throughout the centuries, to include Shakespeare and his famous soliloquy from Henry V.  These relationships foster…

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Spartans at Thermopylae–Inculcating Organizational Élan

The story of the Spartans turning back the great Persian army at the “Hot Gates” was captured for ensuing ages by the Greek historian Herodotus and more recently by the movie “The 300.”  The bravery of the Spartans and their allies is truly the stuff of legend. Although Greeks lost the battle at Thermopylae, it…

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Open the Aperture to Gain Perspective

When coming in for a bombing or strafing run, fighter pilots use a target aperture to ensure the jet is lined up properly. However, hard won experience and training have taught them not to get overly fixated on that narrow aperture. This is because too many pilots became target fixated and as a result lost…

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Power from the Edge—Leverage the Field for Innovation

The larger and more set in its ways an organization gets, the more difficult it is to bring about innovation and productive change. Things get even more difficult when innovation is not built into organizational DNA, where the culture itself promotes the production, free exchange, and implementation of new ideas. It gets to the point…

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