
On Business Strategy: The Ultimate Infographic

Great Reads on Strategy MILITARY STRATEGY CLASSICS Sun Tsu, “The Art of War” Karl von Klausewitz, “On War” B.H. Liddell Hart, “Strategy” John Boyd, “A Discourse on Winning and Losing” BUSINESS STRATEGY CLASSICS David Aaker, “Developing Business Strategies” Jim Collins, “Good to Great” Gary Hamel, “Competing for the Future” Bruce Henderson, “The Logic of Business…

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Infographic: Everything You Need to Know About Executive Onboarding

Think back to the first or most recent time you stepped into a senior leadership role. Were you nervous? Excited? How important was it for you to put your best foot forward? And–most crucially–what did your company do to help you get up to speed quickly and succeed? The startling statistic is that the new…

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Infographic: Everything You Need to Know About Executive Coaching

It’s no wonder that executives suffer from excessive stress. They operate in highly competitive environments characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. They need to unpack mountains of information, navigate politically charged relationship, and all the while perform at the highest level and deliver concrete results under unrelenting pressure. Not only that, senior leaders must…

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