
What’s Your Mission? How to Write Your Personal Mission Statement

If 24 years in the Air Force has taught me anything, it is the central importance of the mission.  When people in an organization are clear on the mission, good things happen.  They coalesce around a common purpose, energy is called forth toward the fulfillment of the mission, and work is focused to accomplish it. …

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Founded in Strength: 24 Core Values to Guide Your Leadership

In his famous “I Have a Dream” speech at the Lincoln Memorial in 1963, Martin Luther King spoke about being judged on “the content of your character.”  It’s this content that provides the spiritual force to your ability to lead.  Quite simply, people respond to honest, authentic, and principled leaders. Core values are an unwavering…

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What Really Motivates You? The 16 Psychological Needs

We’re all familiar with the standard human needs of food, water, and shelter.  But professional success as a leader requires that your most important psychological needs are being met on a regular basis. So what are your most important needs?  And are they being met in the course of your professional life?  How do you…

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What’s Your Leadership Sight Picture?

In flying, a “sight picture” is the relationship of the nose of the aircraft to the horizon.  A good sight picture is essential to ensure the aircraft is heading the right direction, at the right speed, and the right altitude. It takes all your training and all your senses to maintain a proper sight picture. …

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