
Emotional Intelligence is the Real Deal! What’s Your EQ?

Emotional Intelligence—(EQ)—is for real, and it’s vitally important to your success.   I just completed a certification course in the EQi 2.0 emotional intelligence assessment originally developed by Reuven Bar-On.  Bar-On is one of the early researchers in the EQ arena and I can tell you that the assessment instrument is fantastic.  I am very…

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Increasing My Emotional Intelligence-Really?

I will be taking a certification course on Emotional Intelligence next week.  EQ or EI hit the big time in 1995 with Daniel Goleman’s runaway best seller on the subject.  Since then, there has been a flurry of research and practical application, with just about every consulting company out there having some sort of EQ…

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What’s Your Mission? How to Write Your Personal Mission Statement

If 24 years in the Air Force has taught me anything, it is the central importance of the mission.  When people in an organization are clear on the mission, good things happen.  They coalesce around a common purpose, energy is called forth toward the fulfillment of the mission, and work is focused to accomplish it. …

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Founded in Strength: 24 Core Values to Guide Your Leadership

In his famous “I Have a Dream” speech at the Lincoln Memorial in 1963, Martin Luther King spoke about being judged on “the content of your character.”  It’s this content that provides the spiritual force to your ability to lead.  Quite simply, people respond to honest, authentic, and principled leaders. Core values are an unwavering…

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