

Answer These 5 Questions to Create a Winning Strategy

What’s the best way to create a strategy? When I work with clients we focus on five questions. That’s right, answering just five simple questions: Who are we? That gets to the notion of identity and plugs into your purpose. Who you are is the basis of your culture and the foundation upon which everything…

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“Must-Dos” When Preparing to Lead Change

In this video, I discuss two things you need to consider to lead change, over and above developing a strategy, which are what I call intelligence preparation of the battlespace and operational preparation of the battlespace. From a military perspective, intelligence preparation of the battlespace is gathering all the data on the problem that you’re…

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On Business Strategy: The Ultimate Infographic

Great Reads on Strategy MILITARY STRATEGY CLASSICS Sun Tsu, “The Art of War” Karl von Klausewitz, “On War” B.H. Liddell Hart, “Strategy” John Boyd, “A Discourse on Winning and Losing” BUSINESS STRATEGY CLASSICS David Aaker, “Developing Business Strategies” Jim Collins, “Good to Great” Gary Hamel, “Competing for the Future” Bruce Henderson, “The Logic of Business…

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